Unfortunately, ox_doorlock does not provide functions that will help us grant doorlock access to a member of the organization, so one solution may be to use it as follows.
Go to pp-orgpanel/server/editable/framework and find this
Now go to ox_doorlock/server/framework/qb-core find the IsPlayerInGroup function and replace it with this
functionIsPlayerInGroup(player,filter)local type =type(filter)local currentOrg =Player(player.PlayerData.source).state.orgDoorlockiftype=='string' thenfor i =1, #groups dolocal data = player.PlayerData[groups[i]]if data.name == filter or currentOrg == filter thenreturntrueendendelselocal tabletype = table.type(filter)if tabletype =='hash' thenfor i =1, #groups dolocal data = player.PlayerData[groups[i]]local grade = filter[data.name]if (grade and grade <= data.grade.level) or filter[currentOrg] thenreturntrueendendelseif tabletype =='array' thenfor i =1, #filter dolocal group = filter[i]for j =1, #groups dolocal data = player.PlayerData[groups[j]]if data.name == group or currentOrg == group thenreturntrueendendendendendreturnfalseend
Now set the interior doorlock in pp-orgpanel/config_c/Config.interiors to the same name as the group in the doorlock settings, for example:
['interior1'] = { size =vec3(1.20000004768371, 0.60000002384185, 3.0), coords =vec3(746.5399780273438, -1781.989990234375, 36.54000091552734), rotation =90, doorlock ='organization1' -- doorlock group name }
Restart your server and everything should work great now