🚨wk_wars_2x Integration

  1. Download latest version of wk_wars_2x

  2. Go to file cl_plate_reader.lua

  3. On line 151 add

TriggerEvent('pp-mdt:onPlateLocked', self:GetPlate( cam ))
  1. Restart script and check it in-game!

Full code snippet:

function READER:LockCam( cam, playBeep, isBolo, override )
	-- Check that plate readers can actually be locked
	if ( PLY:VehicleStateValid() and self:CanPerformMainTask() and self:GetPlate( cam ) ~= "" ) then
		-- Toggle the lock state
		self.vars.cams[cam].locked = not self.vars.cams[cam].locked

		-- Play a beep
		if ( self:GetCamLocked( cam ) ) then
			-- Here we check if the override parameter is valid, if so then we set the reader's plate data to the
			-- plate data provided in the override table.
			if ( override ~= nil ) then
				self:SetPlate( cam, override[1] )
				self:SetIndex( cam, override[2] )

				self:ForceNUIUpdate( false )

			if ( playBeep ) then
				SendNUIMessage( { _type = "audio", name = "beep", vol = RADAR:GetSettingValue( "plateAudio" ) } )

			if ( isBolo ) then
				SendNUIMessage( { _type = "audio", name = "plate_hit", vol = RADAR:GetSettingValue( "plateAudio" ) } )

			-- Trigger an event so developers can hook into the scanner every time a plate is locked
			TriggerServerEvent( "wk:onPlateLocked", cam, self:GetPlate( cam ), self:GetIndex( cam ) )
            		TriggerEvent('pp-mdt:onPlateLocked', self:GetPlate( cam ))

		-- Tell the NUI side to show/hide the lock icon
		SendNUIMessage( { _type = "lockPlate", cam = cam, state = self:GetCamLocked( cam ), isBolo = isBolo } )

Last updated

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